Howard & W Thompson St
Neighborhood: Olde Kensington
Annual Tax: $4,152
lot square footage: 7,199
Building Square footage: 7,200
Zoning: RM1
Lot Characteristics:
Frontage: 71.99
Depth: 100
Permitted Building Type: Detached; SemiDetached;
Depth: 120.04
Attached; Multiple Buildings on a Lot
Uses permitted as of right: Single-Family; TwoFamily*;
Multi-Family*; Passive Recreation; Family
Day Care; Religious Assembly; Safety Services;
Transit Station; Community Garden; Market or
Community-Supported Farm
Uses requiring special exception approval:
Group Living; Personal Care Home; Single-Room
Residence; Active Recreation; Group Day Care;
Educational Facilities; Fraternal Organization;
Hospital; Libraries and Cultural Exhibits; Utilities
and Services, basic; Wireless Service Facility